We are currently working to build a comprehensive list of frequently used Terms and Definitions.

- "Heads" or "Heads Up"
- "Run Through Your Colors"
- "Soca-"
- Act
- Adapter
- Aerial out
- Aisle
- Ambient Light
- Anti Proscenium
- Apron
- Arbor Heavy
- Arena
- Array
- Assistant Stage Manager (ASM)
- Attributes
- Auditorium
- Back-up
- Backlight
- Backline
- Backstage
- Ballyhoo
- Barndoors
- Batten
- Batten Heavy
- Beltpack
- Birdie
- Bite light
- Black Box
- Black Out
- Blacks
- Blackwrap
- Bleed Through
- Blocking
- Blues
- Board
- Bone yard
- Boom
- Boomerang
- Border
- Bounce
- Break A Leg
- Breakout / Fan-out
- Breakup
- Breast Line
- Bridge
- Bulb
- Bull Line
- Bump
- Bump Cue
- C-clamp
- C-Wrench
- Cable Tie
- Call
- Call Board
- Cans
- Carpenter
- Cast
- Catwalk
- Channel
- Chase
- Cheat
- Cheat Sheet
- Chinagraph Pencil
- Choke
- Circuit
- Circuit Breaker
- Clipping
- Clove Hitch
- Color Temperature
- Company
- Company Switch
- Control Booth
- Courtesy Tab
- Crescent Wrench
- Crossfade
- Crosstalk
- Cue
- Cue Light
- Cue-to-Cue
- Current
- Curtain Call
- Cyclorama (Cyc)
- Daisy Chain
- Dark House
- Dead Hung
- Dead or Dead Pack
- Deck
- Diaphragm
- Dichroic Filter
- Diffusion
- Dimmer
- Dimmer Beach
- Dimmer Layout
- Dimmer Per Circuit
- Dimmer Rack
- Direct Box (DI)
- Direct Current
- DMX Terminator
- DMX512
- Donut
- Downlight
- Downstage
- Downstage (DS)
- Dress Rehearsal
- Dresser
- Dressing rooms
- Drop
- Dry Ice
- Dutchman
- Edison plug
- Electrician
- Electrician's Hammer
- Elevation
- ellipsoidal
- Escape Stairs
- Exit
- Fade
- Fade down
- Fade out
- Fade times
- Fade up
- Fader
- Far Cyc
- Feedback
- Fill Light
- First Electric
- Fixture
- Flag a light
- flagging
- Flash Paper
- Flash Pot
- flat
- Floor Pocket
- fly
- Flyloft
- Flyman
- Focal Length
- focus
- Focus Chart
- Focus Point
- Followspot
- Foot
- Foot Candle
- Footlights
- Foul
- fourth wall
- Freeman Furnishings
- Fresnel
- Front of House (FOH)
- frost
- Fuse
- Gaffer
- Gaffer Tape
- Gel
- ghost light
- ghosting
- Glo Tape
- go
- Gobo
- Green Room
- Grid
- Grip
- Ground Row
- Guillotine
- Hand Held
- Hand Props
- heads
- heatshield
- Hollywood flat
- hot spot
- House
- house left
- House Lights
- House Manager
- house right
- Hue
- impedance
- in
- in the round
- instrument
- Intensity
- Iris
- Jumper cable
- Kabuki
- kill
- Kleig Light
- Knuckle-buster
- Lamp
- Lash Lines
- Legs
- Leko
- Lens
- Light Bar
- Light Ladder
- Light Leak
- Lighting Designer (LD)
- Lighting Plot
- Load
- LX
- Magic Sheet
- Marking out / Spiking
- Marley
- Marley Shuffle
- Masking
- Master
- Meat Rack
- Mouse
- Offstage
- Oleo
- Orchestra
- Orchestra pit
- Pan
- Pennyweight
- Phone connector
- Pickle
- Pin Spot
- Pipe and Drape
- Places
- Practicals
- Preset
- Principals
- Props Crew
- Proscenium arch
- Pusher
- Raked stage
- Riser
- Running Crew
- Runway
- Saturation
- Scrim
- Set
- Show Portal
- Soft Goods
- Sound
- Source 4
- Spanset
- Spike
- Stage left (SL)
- Stage Manager (SM)
- Stage Right (SR)
- Stinger
- Strike
- Teaser
- Technical Rehearsal
- Thrust
- Tilt
- Tormentor
- Trap
- Traveler
- Trick line
- Trim
- Truss Monkey
- Upstage (US)
- Value
- visual cue
- Wardrobe
- Wenger
- West Coast
- Wiggle light
- Wing
- X-rays
- Zip Cord